Gubi Pacha Sofa nwere ogwe aka

Ime ụlọ Pink Faux Fur Sofa 3 oche nke Gubi Pacha kpaliri

Nkọwa ngwaahịa


√ echere na nnyefe 7days

√ Nchekwa na nnyefe dị mmaMụtakwuo

√ Ruo 22.5% kwụsịrị maka ndị mmekọ ahia.Bụrụ onye mmekọ.

Isi ihe ngwaahịa


Gịnị mere ị ga-eji hụ ya n'anya?

Sofa ebe ezumike anyị GUBI Pacha sitere na imewe ụlọ ọgbara ọhụrụ nke Nordic.Pụrụ iche bụ "atụrụ GUBI" a ebe ọ bụla ị hapụrụ ya.A ga-asachapụ gburugburu gburugburu.N'akụkụ akụkụ ya na-egbuke egbuke, oche ezumike Pacha na-egosipụta nkasi obi mara mma.Ejikọtara ya na Bauhaus aesthetics, Anyị na-eṅomi ụdị ya na sofa.

A na-echekwa sofa ezumike nke GUBI Pacha nke ọma.A na-eji ígwè mee ntọala ahụ. GUBI Pacha lounge sofa dị na nsụgharị ndị ọzọ.
Gubi anyị dị ka "igwe ojii."

Ebe ọ bụla ọ dara

A ga-asachapụ gburugburu gburugburu

Dị nwayọọ

Ihe niile ejiri ajị atụrụ fụchie

Dị ka bọọlụ osikapa na-eri nri na-agbaze n'ọnụ gị

Mgbakọ & nlekọta


Achọrọ mgbakọ.

1. Ihe ndị e kere eke ga-adịgasị iche n'ụzọ aghụghọ na ụda agba, ọdịdị elu, na veining.A naghị ele ọdịiche dị n'okike anya ntụpọ ngwaahịa.(A naghị emetụta ojiji ọ na-emekarị.)

2. N'ihi ọdịiche dị n'etiti ọkụ na-agbapụ na mkpebi ngosi, enwere ike inwe mmebi nke chromatic n'etiti foto ahụ na ihe dị adị na foto dị na weebụsaịtị anyị bụ naanị maka ntụle.

3. Ebe ọ bụ na ejiri aka tụọ akụkụ nke ngwaahịa anyị, enwere ike inwe njehie nke ± 0.79 inch n'etiti ezigbo ngwaahịa na data nha.Data nha bụ naanị maka ntụnye aka.

Nlekọta ngwaahịa

Naanị nsụcha.

Ejila ịcha ọcha, mmiri ma ọ bụ uzuoku.

Iji nweta ume ọhụrụ, jiri oghere na ahịhịa akwa akwa akwa na elu na ala na aka ekpe na aka nri.

Ọ bụrụ na ihe na-awụfu, jiri akwa dị ọcha, nke na-enweghị ntụpọ hichapụ mmiri mmiri ozugbo enwere ike;zere ikpocha ebe ruru unyi.

Maka ntụpọ a mịrị amị ma ọ bụ setịpụrụ, a na-atụ aro ihicha akọrọ. Ebe dị ọcha na mmiri ọkụ

Na-eweghachi akwụkwọ ikike $


Our industry-leading warranty covers a full year of manufacturing defects from time of receipt, damage to domestic shipments, and an average of 3-5 years on indoor furniture construction, dependent on material. Final sale items, custom orders, and damage from improper use are not covered under warranty. While we ensure the highest quality of outdoor furniture, our UV-resistant products are not fade-proof and may experience normal wear due to exposure. For a comprehensive list of coverage, please contact

Swatches efu maka ndị mmekọ ahia.Bụrụ onye mmekọ.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa


82 obosara x 83 miri x 83 Elu (cm)

Elu oche:43 (cm)

Ụdị NO.:Y201

Agba:Pink, Grey, Blue, Brown, Fabric ma ọ bụ Akpụkpọ anụ


gubi-pacha-lounge-sofa-nwere ogwe aka-pink
3 oche akwa sofa pink, ogwe aka upholstered pink velvet sofa, Best Sofa Designs, Gubi Pacha 3-Seater Sofa, Otu esi edozi oche gị, Sofas nke oge a maka ebe obibi dị mma nke ọma, sofas akụkụ nke modular, oche ezumike Pacha, Pacha Sofa 3- oche nwere ogwe aka
3 oche akwa sofa pink, ogwe aka upholstered pink velvet sofa, Best Sofa Designs, Gubi Pacha 3-Seater Sofa, Otu esi edozi oche gị, Sofas nke oge a maka ebe obibi dị mma nke ọma, sofas akụkụ nke modular, oche ezumike Pacha, Pacha Sofa 3- oche nwere ogwe aka

[Ajụjụ & Azịza]

"Kedu ihe eji eme sofa a?"

Elu oche a bụ akwa PU, nke dị nro ma dị nro na akpụkpọ ahụ.A na-eji ụfụfụ dị elu mee ihe nkpuchi oche, na-eme ka ha ghara ịda mbà ọbụna mgbe ejiri ogologo oge mee ihe.Ụfụfụ ahụ na-enye mgbake siri ike na nkwado dị mma.